The pilot service
European Service
The Elbe Pilot will board your vessel in any non-German port along the northern European coast if your vessel is bound for the river Elbe. Those porst are among others
Amsterdam, Antwerp, Esbjerg, Felixstowe, Gotheburg, Immingham, Kristiansand, Le Havre, Oslo, Rotterdam, Southampton, STockholm, Tilbury, Vlissingen....
The Pilot will usually travel with plane and taxi and use the transport to board the vessel via shore gangway.
The Elbe Pilot will board your vessel whilst underway using pilot launches of other Pilot Stations or ports like e.g.
Brixham, Cherbourg, Dover or Skagen (Skaw)
for transfer.
The pilot will usually travel with plane, trains and taxi to the Pilot Station or port an will board the vessel via pilot launch.
The regular pilot service
The Elbe Pilot will board your vessel in vicinity of light buoy "Elbe" and faiway buoy "1". Is the freeboard of your vessel more than 3 mtrs the pilot will board via one of our SWATH tenders. Is the freeboard less than 3 mtrs the pilot will board via boat.
Weser Service
The Elbe Pilot will board your vessel in any German port if your vessel is bound for the river Elbe. Those porst are among others
Bremen, Bremerhaven, Wilhelmshaven, Emden, Husum, Dagebüll...
The pilot will usually travel with taxi and use the port transportation to board the vessel via shore gangway.
Submit your request at least 6 hours prior departure of your vessel.
Elbe-Pilot Brunsbüttel
Tel.: +49 (0)4852 - 87295

german bight
The following vessels are obligated to take on a pilot at "E3" light buoy
Tankers, §30 SeeSchStrO: Length> 150 m or breadth > 23 m
Bulk carriers: Length > 220 m or breadth > 32 m
Other vessels: Length > 350 m or breadth > 55 m

ETA for inbound vessels placing orders for pilots at the "E 3" buoy are as follows:
1. ETA: 24 hrs prior to arrival at boarding position at “E3” light buoy
2. ETA: 6 hrs prior to arrival at boarding position at “E3” light buoy
3. ETA: 2 hrs prior to arrival at boarding position at “E3” light buoy
For further details please refer to “LOTSVERORDNUNG ELBE” or call Elbe Pilot
Tel.: +49 (0)4852 - 87295
Tel.: +49 (0)40 - 820244
Seestation: VHF Channel 8